As married Clinical Psychologists and Couples Therapists, we've created an unparalleled app guaranteed to improve relationships worldwide.

We know first-hand that a good relationship is not one without tension or conflict. Conflict is inevitable and something we continue to experience in our marriage and witness on a daily basis doing couples therapy in our psychology practice. However, we strongly believe that when partners are dynamic, and are capable of self-reflection, love, gratitude, change and repair, any relationship can be improved. With such improvement in our relationship, our quality of life can increase dramatically. This will allow both people to thrive as individuals and as partners.

Relationships are in constant flux and thus need regular intentional attention and energy. Love between two people is not something that flows without effort but rather it is daily choice. The My Love Your Love concept was born out of this idea.

During the course of our relationship we have navigated many difficult adjustments such as moving from a couple dating to a blended family, navigating parenting, and working together to build our psychology practice and our company Clinical Psychology Innovations.

While the journey has not always been straight forward we have used the strategies that you will learn in our app to protect our love and make our relationship stronger. We have over 25 years of combined professional practice and have created this app based on our clinical practice and numerous evidence-based psychological theories of practice for individual and couples therapy.

Our mission is to help couples thrive. We want to help partners connect, build empathy, develop a deeper understanding of each other, reduce conflict, learn healthy strategies to resolve difficult issues, and keep desire alive.

We look forward to joining you on your My Love Your Love journey to change your relationship and your life.

Shahn & Helen

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